Project Reference:


Sports people Education and Training for Dual Career

"Sport education and training for dual-career” is a 24-month Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnership in the field of Sports projects


The SET4DC project was created to develop innovative and easily accessible approaches and channels for cyclists – athletes and champions who have ended active sports, due to health or age reasons, to rediscover their career development in their favorite sport again, but at a higher managerial level. The project-created consortium of precisely selected partner organizations with many years of experience, with the interaction of 4 cycling clubs with active sports activity.


The main objective of the SET4DC project was to support the professional realization of bikers in the cycling field through the development of an innovative Three-dimensional Sports Management programme for Dual Career in cycling which included the following dimensions:1. Cycling Clubs Management 2. Volunteers Managing3. Fundraising and Sponsorship The program aimed at elite cyclists wiling to continue their professional sports career as a management and supporting person in cycling clubs.


Аll the planned activities were carried out as follows: -setting up cooperation in a network of interested parties – research-developing and implementing guidelines and an online education and training platform; -creating a best practice handbook establishment of a multinational awareness-raising strategy and the promotion of synergies between the sport area and the areas of education, training and health care for young people; – organizing conferences, seminars, meetings, events


The results that we aimed for and achieved while implementing the project activities are:-summarize, analyze and develop an innovative three-dimensional program -implement new mechanisms for identifying, attracting and managing volunteers -developed Guidelines, Handbook and on-line platform-broadly popularized the intellectual outcomes of the project through national and international events, conferences, sports and media events.

The program is structured in three individual stages:

  1. Education

  2. Life skills

  3. Employment

All of which is structured in guide that continue to serve the activities aimed at promoting a dual career for athletes.


Handbook of Best Practice

Guidelines for the development if dual career program for clubs and cycling sructures

Research report


The main goal was to conduct international research and analysis of existing documents, good practice and communication actions.

Dissemination material


This document contains an overview of the dissemination activities carried out within the SET4DC project with the description of the output achieved in terms of targets reached, actions developed and main communication results. The team‘s objectives are: the results of the project not only to reach the cyclist but also be widely avaliable to all athletes from all interested parries



5000 printed brochures in 8 languages
