The project aims to increase social inclusion of war refugees and migrants in our countries through sport activities.
This project aims to empower war refugees and promote social inclusion through sports. By bringing together war refugees and local communities through shared interests and experiences, we hope to break down barriers and promote greater understanding and acceptance. Through sports activities, refugees will improve their physical and mental well-being, form positive relationships, and access support. By promoting social inclusion, we aim to create a more inclusive and welcoming society for all.
To provide a safe and welcoming environment for refugees to engage in physical and social activities through the international sport camp for youth workers and young refugees in Turkey.
To train youth workers working with refugees to break down barriers and stereotypes between refugees and host communities.
To build strong, positive relationships between refugees and local communities through shared interests and experiences.
To create a tangible output – comic strips to raise awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by refugees and the importance of social inclusion and integration
Results and outputs
Increased social involvement of war refugees and improved relationships and understanding between refugees and local communities.
Increased physical and mental well-being of refugees through sports and physical activity
Increased opportunities for refugees to form positive relationships, build networks, and access support
Increased awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by refugees, and the importance of social inclusion and integration
Through the multiplier events reached at least 6 new organizations that are not directly involved in the project.
Comic strips
International youth workers workshop in Bulgaria
Key Activities
Kick-off meeting in Lithuania.
International workshop in Bulgaria for youth workers.
Comic strips creation.
Midterm meeting ONLINE.
International sport camp for youth workers and young refugees in Turkey.
The final meeting ONLINE – evaluating project results and outputs, discussing the dissemination activities during and after the project period.
Dissemination, multiplier events in each partner country and peer-to-peer activities.
Asociacija IVAIGO (Lithuania)
Champions Factory (Bulgaria)
Kilis Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate (Turkey)