Project Reference: 101050643 FSOS Besides the well-known benefits for physical health, sports are also supported as a very beneficial tool. Summary Sports besides the well-known benefits for physical health are also supported as a very beneficial tool. To guarantee that

Integration 101

Project Reference: 101090586 Integration 101 Building Bridges Through Sport: Empowering Youth Workers to Foster Integration, Equality, and Human Rights for Migrants and Refugees Summary The idea of the project emerged from the need of all the organizations and their beneficiaries

Women UP

Project Reference:  Women UP Based on the “AGES Project”,this project is focused on analyzing, coaches and teachers will be the main target of the project. Summary This project is a continuation of the “AGES Project”, which analyzed gender differences

Параолимпийско Движение – Мобилност и Растеж на Младежта

Project Reference: 2023-1-BG01-KA151-YOU-000125883 Параолимпийско Движение - Мобилност и Растеж на Младежта Summary Чемпиънс Фактори в Ахелой: Здравословен начин на живот чрез физическа активност, балансирано хранене и мотивация за устойчиви навици.Локация: Ахелой, БългарияВид дейност: Курсове и обученияПосрещаща организация: Чемпиънс ФакториБрой участници:


Project Reference: 101134104 Goal2Include The "Goal to Include" project aims to promote education through sport to empower and improve inclusion for young girls and women from marginalized communities. This project seeks to provide a platform and opportunities for young girls

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