ACC YOU 2023

Project Reference:2022-1-BG01-KA150-YOU-00011170 Акредитация Образование за Младежи 01 юни 2023 - 31 август 2024В рамките на програмата за Акредитация Образование за Младежи, Чемпиънс Фактори се фокусира пряко върху образованието на младежки работници, осигурявайки възможности за участие в структурирани международни обучения

The Builders of the Future

Project Reference: The Builders of the Future Доброволците на “Чемпиънс Фактори” реализираха проект „Знанието е ключът“ включвайки пряко 166 младежи в 10 онлайн семинара. Summary Future Talents Generation, in cooperation with Champions Factory, led the international project “The Builders

Entrepreneurial Lab

Project Reference: Entrepreneurial Lab Champions Factory implemented the two-stage international youth exchange project “Entrepreneurial Lab” Summary Champions Factory LTD, in cooperation with Champions Factory, implemented the two-stage international youth exchange project “Entrepreneurial Lab”, which empowered 42 young people from


Project Reference: 2018-1-HR01-KA104-046942 s-PORTEND "s-PORTEND" fosters the applicant organizaton capacities in promoting upskilling of disadvantaged targets in the Adult population Summary "s-PORTEND" fosters the applicant organizaton capacities in promoting upskilling of disadvantaged targets in the Adult population (low-skilled and low

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